ABC Family: In the last episode, Jessi says she's "broken." Is she really "broken" or was she designed to be a killer?
Julie: Jessi truly is 'broken'. One of the big themes we felt it was important to explore in the show was the idea of nature vs nurture. In that context, did Kyle and Jessi both have the same chance when they were 'born' and did circumstance dictate who ended up "good"? Or is there a more spiritual element attached to both characters --- in that is Kyle a truly pure soul and Jessi a dark one? That's a question that we would have continued to explore throughout the life of the series --- watching poor Jessi as she struggled to be as good as Kyle....and watching Kyle as life experience and the harsh realities of the world as we know it infiltrated his good, pure soul. But in no way was Jessi ever designed to be bad from birth. Latnok, in all their misguided efforts, genuinely believed that they wanted to make the world a better place. They just had a peculiar way of going about it. In a lot of ways, Jessi never had a chance. Her mother was psychologically troubled. Her entrance into the world was devastating. And her first couple days, before Madacorp planted her with a life of memories, were cold and stark. But deep inside lies a vulnerable girl --- like any human --- who just wanted to be loved unconditionally.
ABC Family: What was going to happen with all those clones? An army of handsome, healing, responsible, kind heroes sounds great, but we're just wondering if there was some other, darker motivation.
Julie: As we saw throughout the series with characters like Brian Taylor, Professor Kern and Ballantine, certain individuals' agendas can corrupt the common goal of an institution. While we believe that the 'old world' Latnok had benevolent intentions, the minute you put that much power (playing God) into someone's hands, things can go horribly awry. There is a faction within Latnok, led by Kyle's genetic mother, that intended to sell the Kyle clones to the highest bidder --- using the actual Kyle as an example of how magnificent their experiment could be. Though Kyle successfully destroyed the formula, it's still filed away in his head as a result of the information he uploaded from Zyzzx while he was still in the pod. As Cassidy stated, he would stop at nothing to get that information back. The next season would have involved putting Nicole and Jessi into a situation where, in order to save Kyle's life, they give Cassidy what he wants. But they could never tell Kyle what they did, so they would be bonded together by the secret they have to keep from him.
ABC Family: In the end of the series, Kyle wasn't with either Jessi or Amanda. So, would Kyle be with Jessi or would Kyle be with Amanda? Does he get to be with his soul mate? Are both his soul mates? What's the significance of the butterflies and the electricity?
Julie: The "who will Kyle end up with" question is a question we have a hard time answering, because in our opinion a true hero is often destined to end up alone. Had this show run for five more years, Kyle would have likely ended up with neither, knowing that he couldn't fulfill his true destiny as a prophet by living a normal relationship life like everyone else. But in the short-term, we absolutely believed that Kyle and Jessi's relationship would have continued to develop. It would have been complicated, passionate, volatile, and ultimately self-destructive. Once Amanda had a chance to grow up beyond her sheltered life --- probably when she entered college and embarked on that journey of self-discovery that every young adult goes through --- she and Kyle would have re-discovered each other and entered into a relationship that was more than just innocent puppy love. But when all is said and done, Kyle would have embarked on his post-series journey alone, hopefully in a beautiful poetic way.
ABC Family: Would Tom Foss always be a part of Kyle's life?
Julie: Tom Foss would have always remained a part of Kyle's life, but Tom Foss's demons are that he lost his wife and daughter. Eventually, Kyle would have paved the way to help Foss live the life that he thought he'd never have again. Kyle would have 'freed' Foss from the responsibility of protecting him in order to ensure that Foss could find happiness. We wanted to pass the torch over time from Foss to Declan. Declan, always searching for an answer to where he 'fits' in Kyle's life, would have gone to Foss to learn how to be Kyle's protector.
ABC Family: Cassidy being Kyle's brother is a HUGE revelation... Were there going to be other revelations of this kind? Is Kyle related to any of the other characters? Was Cassidy lying just to save his own life?
Julie: Cassidy and Kyle share the same genetic mother. Cassidy wasn't lying. No one else is related (as far as I know). The David and Goliath relationship between Cassidy and Kyle would have been a large part of next season. While they're connected by blood, they're in opposition to each other. That would have let us continue to explore one of our other favorite themes of this show: what defines "family"?
ABC Family: Is Adam really dead or would he have come back in a future episode like Foss?
Julie: May Adam Baylin rest in peace. But we always would have had the ability to have him appear to Kyle in Kyle's mind, much like he did in second season's "Lockdown."
ABC Family: What happens to Andy and Josh? Would they stay together, even though she moved away and is only on webcam (yay, Declan!)?
Julie: Josh and Andy would have explored the treacherous waters known as the 'long-distance relationship.' They would have broken up, gotten back together, gone to the same college, transferred to different colleges, broken up again, gotten back together again, dated other people, and finally gotten married and lived happily ever after. Josh and Andy were our favorite relationship as writers, hands down. We truly contemplated having Andy's cancer return and having Josh lose her, but we just couldn't bring ourselves to shut the door on Andy, or the actress Magda Apanowich (even though she's going off to do Caprica) because we loved those two characters way too much to ever say goodbye.
ABC Family: What about Declan and Lori? Would they continue to be friends?
Julie: Declan and Lori, believe it or not, would ultimately end up together. But before that, Lori would head off to New York to pursue a music career and Declan would have gone off on a training sojourn with Foss. After several years of difficult life experience, Lori would return to Seattle and follow in her mother's footsteps, enrolling in school to study psychology --- realizing that it's her true calling. Declan will always have two priorities --- Lori and Kyle. For Battlestar Gallactica fans, he's Colonel Tighe to Admiral Odama. Declan would assume protection of Kyle from Foss and be his best friend and fiercest protector for life. Lori would be the only woman who could understand that, because she feels just as strongly about Kyle.
ABC Family: Most importantly, how does it end?!?!?
Julie: How does it end? In the broadest terms, Kyle embarks on a quest across the world with the sole mission of helping people. Creating food where people are starving....inventing energy sources that don't destroy the environment....stabilizing areas of the world that live in conflict....being a good person --- and letting his goodness impact others. Call him Mother Teresa, call him Bill Clinton, call him Gandhi --- it was Kyle's destiny to make the world a better place. And it's because the Tragers took him in and loved him unconditionally, that he would have been able to do it. How would it have ended if we had one more episode? I wish I knew. We were only just getting started on all the stories left to tell about Kyle XY.
On behalf of myself, all the writers, producers and the cast, we're very grateful that we had the opportunity to do this show and to tell Kyle's story. The fans' loyalty and passion for the show was like nothing any of us had ever experienced. It was a true gift....so thank you.
so, are you sure there isn't going to be another season in the Kyle adventure. It truelly was an entertainig movie, and if infact you chose to continue, it should be before they grow too old :D
If the series could not be continued, there is always other alternatives to end the story... What about adapting kyle xy into a film and end it. Or adapting it into a novel to help cease the yearnings of the viewers that thirst for the story's end...
Save Kyle XY For fishing a season3 and starting Kyle XY Season 4
Save Kyle XY For fishing a Kyle XY season 3 and starting Kyle XY Season 4
Julie Plec wants to continue Kyle XY for a T.V. Series There was supposed to be a Kyle XY movie, Julie Plec and the writer/Co Producer really want Kyle XY back season 4 and to continue the Kyle XY series. so Save Kyle XY for a season 4
Uhh dont make a show if u cant finish it!!!
Thank you for the answers to the burning questions!!! I wish this series could continue, but ABCFamily doesn't usually seem to resurrect their cancelled series. Kyle XY the movie on the other hand, would be an amazing way to end the series.
I believe the series should be brought back NOT (adapted to cut down to a small version or some Movie ending) But continued and expanded on. It should have been started like 2 years ago to continue where it was left off. ABC family shouldn't be concerned about the ratings but putting it out there just because there is still MANY people who still love the show and WANT IT BACK.
kyle XY was an amazing show and definitely could keep up with todays tv show series of 2013. I mean there are good series out there but not many hold the unique quality of Kyle XY.
Ms. Plec's view on what might have happened are appreciated, though a good bit less satisfying than a proper ending on TV. I rarely start a series that builds on the previous episode, though I really prefer such series, for this very reason - the tv exec hold no loyalty to fans and often opt to just abruptly stop series leaving the audience with questions that they have no way of finding answers. Too bad the plot, the progression, the music, the cinematography were all very appealing. Currently there is NO ABC Family programing that I watch - leaving my family of 5 out of the advertisers' realm. Not that 5 fans with purchasing power matter to ABC. Maybe a novel ending the Kyle XY story satisfyingly and properly would be possible!
There aren't a lot of shows that a teenage boy will watch with their mothers yet Kyle XY was. It's a shame that when you get a nice family show and get interested, someone decides to cancel it. They should of at least ran until it had an ending and not left so much up in the air, do the exec.'s realize that if people decide to protest their channel they'll end up losing money in the long run.
They should make a movie to finish the story I hate ABC no ones going to want to watch them anymore if they continue to just cancel shows like this. you get interested in something they leave you hanging then cancel it why not go through someone other then ABC if they canceled it, they should be able to go through other people and make a movie with the (original) actors and finish the story. A lot of money would be made if they followed through with a movie. I just wouldn't watch it if it was other actors like they've been doing with all these other movies switching out the actors... I say get the original ones back finish the story and make bank :)
Its unfortunate the show was canceled, but if they were to continue it I think kyle should end up with jessie and ultimately they would travel the globe together relying on one another in order to help the world just like they've helped each other so far. Besides superheros in cartoons and shows always fought bad guys and thats why they never had anyone I see kyle more as helping the world in a more scientific way rather than punching wrong doers and dodging bullets or wearing a costume.
*Adama and *Tigh please.
Too bad this show had to end so abruptly, I did enjoy it while it lasted.
this is truly stupid I loved this show just recently discovering it on Netflix n I would love to see it end right whether it be a movie or a show why why why BRING IT BACK WE THE FANS DEMAND IT
I wasnt able to stop watching on netflix. I could not believe it ended like it did.
The ratings of kyle xy would sky rocket is they brought it back. The show was so ahead of its time no one understood it. But they would now. Please bring it back. You have no idea how amazed people would be. Its a little late now but they could still make it work
Kyle with Amanda please!
No, seriously, he can't end up with Jessi. Amanda, Amanda, Amanda!!!
just finished watching the whole series, so frustrating why it ended that way, they could have extended season 3 with a few more episodes though, and not leaving the fans hanging.
They could do a Kickstarter Campaign like Veronica Mars to do a movie. But with Jaimie Alexander and the Marvel world, and other cast members having their own projects now, it might be difficult or take a long time.
Like someone suggested, they could a book or series of books to finish telling the story, or even a comic book, like a lot of other shows have done (angel, buffy, firefly, smallville, etc.) as they still have a massive and loyal fan group.
You made an amazing show. You balanced on that impossible knife's edge between having shallow, cruel, stagnant characters, and characters that are TOO good, and just impossible and corny, with rushed solutions. This should be rewarded. I would love to continue to see Kyle and his life, but when something trite like the Secret Life of the American Teenager comes out and makes them more money, i understand that producers will cut the shows that "don't compete". Still, a movie or book addition to this show would be wonderful, and i can guarantee you'd get MY money for it. But at the very least, thank you so much for wrapping up the story for me. I've been obsessing since i saw the last episode, and realized it was the end. So cruel that you weren't allowed one last season, but such is life. Thank you again for the time, energy, and whatever resources necessary to answer the questions of a fan. Best of luck in future series!
Does Bill Clinton REALLY belong at the same level as Mother Teresa and Gandhi, neither of whom molested interns or lied under oath? Just sayin.
Please i'm french, i don't speak english very well but please, we want to know more about kyle's life we want to continue the adventure with him it's impossible for me to say that the serie is ended !! :'(
Omg i have kyle xy on DVD an it seems i don't to finish watch it am solo upset the way the just end it like that..i truly love an respect the actors an everyone who made it possible
I just finished watching the last episode last night. I was so disappointed that it was over but very satisfied reading this synopsis.
It was such a wonderful show and the writers did a great job of developing the different characters. I truly wish there were more shows like this on television.
Thanks again for giving us fans closure.
Sounds like a really great ending. IF ONLY IT HAPPEND. I'm like 15 years old. And the show came out when I was Seven. I've been waiting 8 years to watch it. And when I do I find out it gets canceled??????????. I cried when kyle cured Andie's (Andy's) cancer. I cried when #Leclan (Lori and Declan) broke up. At least come back for 2episodes. At least. Ik Matt is married and Amanda is all grown up. But just for closure . btw I love the show !!!!!!!! And I'm for team #Jyle (Jessi and kyle)
i agree ^ the show came out when i was seven to. parents wouldn't let me watch it, till i was older . however, there is one thing i don't understand. how does the song "she could be you" fit into all of this? i mean.. who is she? is it Jessi or Amanda? Kyle XY was/ is still an incredible show. i will love it no matter what. But what does the song describe. the 'soulmate'? and is the song for Kyle or Adam Baylin? we never found out if Cassidy was telling the truth. Kyle is a Pod baby. he's not suppose to have a mom? he was created with a formula, i mean.. it doesn't make since. please tell me if i'm missing something. and Jessi, we all know shewill end up with Kyle. (im hoping for it) but can there just be a reunion or something? i believe i dont only speak for myself when i say its killing us to not know the ending.
to the people who made kyle xy you are amazing writers but not just the writers artists but leaving the fans of Kyle XY on a thread hanging on to the hope that you will write another season is not amazing could you write a book or movie too to finish the ending that will really satisfy folks
From France...
Each year i watch the entire show, again and again, since 4 years now and i'm still so sad that it just stopped like this :'(
There's some great series, a few excellents, but only one is beyond all of any other <3
Bring back kyle xy!!
what happen...? why does the kyle xy still not returning...?
please Julie plec please please please bring this show back.... I love it... I watched the whole series 3 times... I cant get enough of it and I watch it knowing that the ending is going to leave me with my jaw dropped every time....
Je suis Haïtien dès que j'ai commencé à regarder Kyle XY j'ai jamais eu envie que ça se termine, mais dommage ils l'ont annulés pourquoi ? ?
C'est la meilleure série que j'ai depuis mes 16 ans et je demande ou encore j'espère une fin qui répondra l'attente de certains fans (Kyle ♡ Jessi)
Maintenant je regarde la série SCORPION c'est distrayant mais pas autant que KYLE XY
Svp donner nous une fin
Sick of watching great shows like this then no continuation, gutted there is no S4, why bother in the first place, no annoying
I watched this show twice and now can't bare to watch it again, I just want the show back, I would pay millions to see a happy ending! Kyle + Amanda forever!!!
i hope that will be a 4 season i will do everything so it can be possible
Don’t leave your dedicated viewers hanging. Wrap it up with a TV movie, novel, anything! It’s never too late. Finish what you started and make the many fans of Kyle XY happy versus angry, disappointed and forever wondering. Was a great, fun, thought provoking series. Sad it had to end this way. 🤔🤯🙁
I wish to see the show continue up to season 5 or 6.
C'est dommage qu'il n'y a pas la suite.
It is absolutely bone chilling that she lists Bill Clinton amongst the likes of Mother Theresa and Ghandi. Even before we all knew about the Lolita Express, Bill was a known womanizer, and politically he was never anything more than 'Insert Democrat Here'
J'aimerais que Kyle xy continue... Cette série me manques
Je suis très d'accord avec toi. C vrai ke l'intrigue a commencé avec Kyle mais ensuite est apparue jessie ki a des capacités tout aussi incroyables ke celui-ci. De plus nous avons tous vu ce k'ils étaient capable d'accomplir kan ils sont ensemble. Kyle devrait finir avec jessie et ensemble ils voyageraient pour améliorer l'existence d'autre personnes.
Call him bill Clinton??? Hahahahah. Why?
I thought the same
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