I hear you've started filming volume four, 'Fugitives'. What can you say about that?
"We're shooting episode two of Fugitives right now. It puts us all in a Guantanamo Bay kind of a situation. We've all bagged and tagged and we're on our way to being killed. What's great about it is that we all have to work together. We're all thrown into this terrible situation and have to work together to get out of it, find out who's in charge of [doing] this and stop them. There's a new character called 'The Hunter' and he's coming after all of us."
Is there an end to the 'good versus evil' storyline, then?
"Yes, at the end of volume four. At the end of volume three it's kind of wrapped up but then there's this huge cliffhanger that leads into volume four."
And do you think Matt could be a villain at any point? It doesn't seem likely...
"It doesn't seem likely, but I do go very, very dark. I haven't shot that stuff yet but it's one of the only times they've ever come to me and said 'we're thinking about doing this, what do you think?' I was like 'yeah!' It's a great thing because I don't think anyone would expect me to stay there. It's justified why I go dark. There's a reason. I mean, Brea (Grant, aka The Speedster/Daphne) is a villain on the show..."
But is she? It seems like she is technically...
"Technically, yes! Why she's working for them will be revealed and it's a huge moment. I don't mean that in a fantastic, explosion, special effects way. It's a really dramatic thing, that we've never done in this show. It's an amazing [explanation] for why she's doing what she's doing. It's great."
We've seen Matt and The Speedster's respective storylines become closely intertwined in the last couple episodes. Does that continue?
"It does, and hopefully people want us to stay together!"
In the future we see that they are in a relationship, but now that we've seen that possible future, do you feel like it's not actually going to happen?
"Exactly! That's what happens on our show, things get in the way. It's great that you pointed that out because that's a future that [Matt] wants. He desperately wants to keep her on the good side because he wants that normal family life."
In the next episode airing in the States (episode seven), Daphne is given a tough choice regarding Matt, isn't she?
"She's told that she needs to kill me. She's told that she needs to bring me in and get me to work with them. She knows that I'm not going to do that, so then that's the position she's put in. It's weird - I can read minds, so I should be able to pick up on the fact that she's working for the bad guys, but I don't!"
Source: Digital Spy
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